September 14, 2022

Business News Digest

2 min

Featured Article

Finding Alpha in the Wireless Space: Regulatory Changes That Could Impact Investment

Regulatory certainty is a key component in investing in the wireless space. Whether you're evaluating a wireless network or an infrastructure play, a product that relies on wireless devices, or an emergent wireless technology, a potential acquisition or investment requires a comprehensive understanding of the venture. That includes the impact of the regulatory environment on the likelihood of success of the business plan and potential liabilities and risks.

Traditional due diligence may no longer be enough, given the quickly changing regulatory environment. When doing analysis and diligence, how can you ensure that it's comprehensive enough for today's regulatory environment?

Related Alerts

The Congressional Post–Labor Day and Lame-Duck Outlook

As we move past Labor Day, little time is left before both chambers leave again for the November elections. The House of Representatives is slated to be in town for only 11 days in September before breaking, and though the Senate is currently slated for a four-week work period and then an additional two-week work period, we expect weeks to be given back so senators can campaign.

Labor and Employment Newsletter

The latest edition of Venable's Labor and Employment Newsletter features articles on electronically monitoring employees, COVID-19 testing in the workplace, the basics of FOIL law, discrimination based on natural hair, and COVID-19 policies for independent schools.

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